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Lead, Transitions, Energy program

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Philip Gass is Lead, Transitions, in the Energy Program of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).

Philip Gass is Lead, Transitions in the IISD Energy program, specializing in climate change and energy policy at the sub-national and national level in North America and Indonesia as well as international developments within the UNFCCC process.

His work has focused on development of fiscal policy approaches that facilitate GHG mitigation including carbon pricing and subsidy reform. He also works directly on economic models that promote sustainability including the green economy, circular economy, and just transitions. In Indonesia he has focused on strategies to shift from coal to renewable energy and in Canada his work has included efforts to encourage producer and consumer fossil fuel subsidy reform.

Philip has a background in political economy and stakeholder engagement, having worked in a legislative setting in Canada prior to joining IISD.