06 Juil 2015

Lieu: NULL

Organisation: Geneva Environment Network

The science is unequivocal: stabilizing climate change entails reducing net emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) to zero by the end of the century. But what does this mean for countries, especially developing countries that are already struggling to reduce poverty and achieve prosperity? What does a carbon neutral economy look like? And how can we get there?

The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP), the World Bank Group and the Geneva Environment Network organized an event exploring these issues through a presentation of the World Bank’s new report « Decarbonizing Development: Three Steps to a Zero-Carbon Future ».

This event examined how proper planning can help lay the foundation for both a stable climate and good development path; explored how countries can create the right enabling environment so that the needed technology, infrastructure and financing are available; and discussed how countries can carefully manage the transition, given vital political economy considerations.

Presentation by Marianne FAY
Chief Economist, Climate Change Vice Presidency, World Bank Group (see bio here)
The presentation will be followed by a moderated discussion with the audience.

Gunnar KÖHLIN, Director, Environment for Development Initiative (see bio here)
Peter WOODERS, Group Director, Energy, International Institute for Sustainable Development. (See bio here)

Benjamin SIMMONS, Head, Green Growth Knowledge Platform (see bio here)
The presentation was followed by a moderated discussion with the audience.

