Electrical and electronic equipment when becoming waste (e-waste) such as personal computers, printers, televisions, mobile phones, refrigerators and air-conditioning units is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world today. E-waste is categorized as hazardous waste due to the presence of toxic materials such as mercury, lead and brominated flame retardants are considered as hazardous waste according to the Basel Convention. E-waste may also contain precious metals such as gold, copper and nickel and rare materials of strategic value such as indium and palladium. These precious and heavy metals could be recovered, recycled and used as valuable source of secondary raw materials. It has been documented that e-wastes are shipped to developing countries where it is often not managed in an environmentally sound manner, thus posing a serious threat to both human health and the environment.

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Organisations inter-gouvernementales

Branche produits chimiques et déchets du PNUE

Branche produits chimiques et déchets du PNUE

Organisations inter-gouvernementales

Commission économique pour l’Europe des Nations Unies


Accords multilatéraux sur l'environnement

Conventions de Bâle, Rotterdam et Stockholm


Organisations inter-gouvernementales

Institut des Nations Unies pour la formation et la recherche


Organisations non-gouvernementales

Organisation internationale de normalisation


Organisations non-gouvernementales

World Economic Forum



Andrea Lechner

Andrea Lechner is a Programme Officer at Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, Governance branch.

Noelia Garcia Nebra

Noelia Garcia Nebra is Head of sustainability at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

