27 May 2024

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. Find here tips and useful resources to help you taking steps to #MoveTheDate.

Earth Overshoot Day 2024

Each year, Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity has used all the biological resources that Earth can renew during the entire year. Earth Overshoot Day is hosted and calculated by Global Footprint Network, an international research organization that aims to provide information and solutions to live in the means of the planet.

In 2023, Earth Overshoot Day landed on 2 August. This means that humanity currently uses 75% more than what the planet’s ecosystems can regenerate. From Earth Overshoot Day until the end of the year, humanity operates on ecological deficit spending. The date falls one day earlier than last year, showing that humanity has continued to widen its annual ecological deficit. In 2020, the date was exceptionally pushed back by 24 days due to pandemic-induced resource-use reductions; however four  years after, this progress was only temporary as the date of this year shows.

The date of Earth Overshoot Day 2024 will be announced on 5 June on World Environment Day.

Power of Possibility

We are entering a ‘storm’ of climate change and biological resource constraints. The earlier companies, cities, and countries plan ahead and prepare themselves for the predictable future, the better their chance of thriving.

There is immense power of possibility in the many existing solutions (below) that are ready to be deployed at scale. With them, we can make ourselves more resilient and #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day.

Leading up to Earth Overshoot Day, the Power of Possibility platform highlights many ways we can improve our resource security in five key areas (healthy planetcitiesenergyfood, and population).

Switzerland Overshoot Day 2024

Country Overshoot Day reflects the ecological footprint of a country by comparing the population’s demand and the nation’s biocapacity.

Switzerland’s Overshoot Day 2024 falls on 27 May. From this date onwards, Switzerland will be living on credit at the expense of future generations. If the world’s population had the same lifestyle as Swiss citizens, the resources of 2.5 planets would be necessary to ensure its existence.

Reduce your ecological footprint

Find more resources to reduce your own ecological footprint and learn more about sustainable consumption and production in our update on the topic.