04 Jul 2019

Venue: International Environment House II (7-9 ch. de Balexert)

Organization: Geneva Environment Network

A briefing focusing on the outcomes of recent negotiations and upcoming meetings related to chemicals and waste, organized within the framework of the Geneva Environment Network, took place at the International Environment House on 4 July 2019.

The event addressed the outcomes of the 2019 meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, the Mercury Convention intersessional work, as well as the recent activities of the Chemicals and Health Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme, including the third meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group for the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM OEWG3), the Special Programme Executive Board Meeting and the Pollution Implementation Plan. The ILO Occupational Safety and Health also joined the briefing.


Welcome and Introduction
Jacob DUER, Chief, Chemicals and Health Branch, UN Environment Programme
Rossana SILVA REPETTO, Executive Secretary, Minamata Convention on Mercury Secretariat
David OGDEN, Chief, Governance Branch, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Secretariat

Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Outcomes of the 2019 meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
Linnea HAGLUND, Associate Programme Officer, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Secretariat

Followed by questions and comments

Chemicals and Health Branch, UN Environment Programme

Update on the activities of the Chemicals and Health Branch, UN Environment Programme
Jacqueline ALVAREZ, Head, Knowledge and Risk Unit, Chemicals and Health Branch, UN Environment Programme
Brenda KOEKKOEK, Programme Officer, Secretariat of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management, Chemicals and Health Branch, UN Environment Programme

Followed by questions and comments

International Labour Organization
Update on the activities of the ILO Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch
Manal AZZI, Technical Specialist, Occupational Safety and Health, International Labour Organization

Followed by questions and comments

Minamata Convention on Mercury

Update on intersessional work of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
Eisaku TODA, Senior Programme Management Officer, Minamata Convention on Mercury Secretariat

Followed by questions and comments


Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Download Linnea HAGLUNDpresentation & also

UN Environment Chemcials and Health Branch (including SAICM)
Download Jacqueline ALVAREZ & Brenda KOEKKOEK Presentation

The ILO expressed its commitment to the implementation of SAICM and engaging in the Beyond 2020 process. The ILO emphasized the normative mandate it has through its International Labour Standards on occupational safety and health and chemicals. The ILO then called for the mobilisation of its tripartite constituents, including ministries of labour and worker and employer organisations to play a key role in shaping the way forward for the management of chemicals and waste. The ILO reiterated that its Governing body will be the official platform for social dialogue and decision making in the area of chemicals and the world of work. Nevertheless, through early engagement of the labour sector, ILO GB decisions will be well informed and help strengthen the multistakeholder and multisectoral dimension of the Beyond 2020 platform.
Download also ILO Report: Working on a warmer planet: The effect of heat stress on productivity and decent work

Mercury Convention
Download Eisaku TODA Presentation



The event was live on Facebook.


Photos of the event available on the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Flickr account.


Previous Chemicals & Waste Briefings