08 Mar 2022

Discover below the activities happening in Geneva for International Women's Day 2022. The theme for 2022 is “Gender Equality for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, in recognition of women as change-makers in adaptation, mitigation and response to the plural challenges dictated by climate change.

2022 Theme: Gender Equality for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Each year on 8 March International Women’s Day is celebrated. This festivity aims to both highlight women’s contributions to global challenges and advancements in terms of gender equality, and to raise attention on aspects requiring action and progress. The theme for 2022 is “Gender Equality for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, highlighting the contribution of women as change-makers in adaptation, mitigation and response to the multiple challenges arising from climate change.

Women are considered among the most vulnerable groups to the climate change effects due to socio-economic disparities, but also as climate champions since climate action is strengthened by their presence and leadership.  Therefore, ensuring the sustainability of the future requires eliminating constraints to participation and increasing opportunities for women to contribute.

The theme of IWD2022 also reflects this year’s theme of the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) – “Climate Change, Environment, Disaster Risk Reduction: Gender Equality at the Center of Solutions”. CSW is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. Its 66th session will take place in a hybrid format from 14 to 25 March 2022.

The Gender and Climate Nexus

Advancing gender equality in the context of the climate crisis and disaster risk reduction is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. Climate change impacts are gender-differentiated, as the social conditions of men and women in different places influence their resilience to increase in extreme weather and climate events. Gender-aware policies, especially in the context of climate adaptation, are thus important to address the specific needs of men and women.

On the other hand, women offer valuable insights and solutions into better managing the climate and its risks; however, their contribution is often overlooked in humanitarian and climate action. Building a sustainable future entails harnessing the knowledge, skills, and leadership of women in climate action.

In the recently published report “Climate Change 2022: Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability“, the IPCC Working Group II dedicated a cross-cutting chapter on the issue of “Gender, Climate Justice and Transformative Pathways” (Chapter 18). These latest scientific findings confirm that gender inequality compounds vulnerability to climate change impacts. The report emphasizes that climate policy and practice should integrate gender and that fostering gender equality has a huge potential to support transformative change and solutions.

Gender is a highly relevant dimension to many environmental challenges, not only climate change. Mainstreaming gender into the global environmental agenda is essential to strive for a healthier planet for all.

Celebrate International Women’s Day in Geneva

Official celebrations for International Women’s Day 2022 are hosted by UN Women (based in New York) on 8 March, 16.00 – 17:30 CET. The Geneva international community is also taking part in the celebrations with a variety of events to raise awareness and foster political momentum on issues at the nexus of gender and the environment.

Official Statements